WARNING - This site is for adults only!

This web site contains sexually explicit material:
  • To order videos from this website please visit our How To Order Videos page for full instructions on how to order videos.

  • Most videos are $18.99 each. However, we do offer some discounted videos running 5 minutes or less for just $4.99 each and several hundred videos running between 6 and 10 minutes for just $9.99 each.

    Visit our categories page to quickly locate the discounted videos.
  • Yes you will need to open an account. Once you've done so all your info is saved, which will make it very easy to make additional purchases. To open an account simply click on the "Create a free account" link in the upper right hand corner on any page of our site and follow the prompts.
  • At this time we do not offer rentals, only full price purchases, which you will have the option to stream or download. We recommend that you download any purchases and safeguard them on your PC or Device.
  • You can order any video on DVD by using our secure DVD order link located on our How to Order Videos Page

    You can also order any video on DVD by mail by sending your check or money order to:

    R. Butcher
    P.O. Box 2641
    Chino Hills, CA. 91766

    Or phone in your card info into our 24 hours customer service line at 714-717-7915
  • The costs of running a website with over 5,000 titles and also offer free video previews and up to 50 photos for every video are extremely high.

    Whereas, we are more than happy to offer our customers the use of free video previews and photos to assist you in your purchasing decisions, the operative word there is "Customers".

    If you are only using our site to watch endless video previews and never make a purchase we consider that a terms of use violation as it only increases our costs. Therefore, If you have been using the website for over 90 days and have never made a purchase, your account may become locked.

    If your account is locked you will lose access to the free video previews and will only be able to view a small number of photos.

    If this happens, you'll need to add at least $50 in credit to your account for future purchases at which point we will unlock your account.

    To add funds to your account please visit our How to Order Videos page for instructions.

    WARNING: Any attempt to open a new account to get around your account lock will result in a lifetime ban from the site.
  • Currently both sites have two different payment systems and also different partners in terms of accepting payments. Both sites have several thousands of videos that can be found on both sites, but there are about 2000 videos on each site that are, at least for now, exclusive to each site due to ownership and licensing issues. In time, we hope to have all videos moved over to this site as we no longer update the Rockin-Roxanne.com site with new items.
  • Absolutely not. We closer monitor and receive daily reports of unusual account actively and if you are caught sharing any video or your account with others your account will be terminated and you will loose all access to any videos purchased without warning.
  • We try to add videos around the 1st of each month, but sometimes we add them a bit later in the month and will sometimes skip a month.
  • These videos are just a teaser for what is coming on the first of the upcoming month to give you a general idea of what is upcoming. On the first of the next month these videos will become available for purchase?
  • Yes, every video has a 15 second randomly selected preview and will generally have at least 10 to 20 photos to give you a general idea of the video content.

    However, please note that you MUST have created a free account, confirmed your email and be SIGNED IN to your account in order to view any previews.
  • Rather than taking the time to write a description, we generally let the 15 second video preview and photos describe the video to you. Why? Two reasons, first, the are only so many ways you can describe a match and second, with the time we save not writing out descriptions we can use that time to add more videos for you to choose from. Additionally the category placement of a video can also give you a description of the content, such as "Chubby Matches", "Asian Chickfights", "Foxy Boxing", "Nude Wrestling" etc.
  • You can visit us at Rockin-Roxanne.com where you will find over 7,000 videos. You can also instantly purchase or stream about 2,000 videos at FemaleFightFlix.com
  • We do not offer volume discounts at this time. However, the Rockin-Roxanne.com website does still offer volume discounts, but it does not offer immediate downloading.
  • In most cases, if you request us to add a video currently not offered on this site, but is offered on the Rockin-Roxannne.com site, just drop us a note and we'll usually add it for you. Just send us an email from your the message link in the upper right hand corner of our site (You must be signed in to do so).
  • If you have a question not addressed here please send a message by signing into your account and clicking on the message link in the upper right hand corner of the website.